Hmm .... "Where do I begin, to tell the story of how great a love can be .. "
Yup, it's love. I wonder if there was any real love story back then ? ;-)
I love my new friends ! Amazing people, and I'm proud and so grateful knowing that I've gotten a chance to meet and know and lived with them for 24 days in my life. It was awesome, great and incredible !!
Finally the Prajab's over. I'm glad but sad at the same time. Already missing the moments, even the silly meals !
One thing about Prajab that I hate the most was that I had to write a resume every single night !

Oh, and another one was that I had to get up very early and did some exercise while my eyes and my thoughts were still deep in slumber. Haha, except the last day, I was so excited about working out as I was completely stressed out about the upcoming exam.
The class was great, I like listened to people talking about their thoughts, although, there were times I felt really sleepy in class, haha and at times I almost fell asleep !! When that happened, I usually glanced at some dudes (Tito or bang Sam), desperately wishing that they would make some jokes or say something funny, just so that it helped me to stay awake. So if any of you realized that I was glancing at them or even staring at them, that would have meant that I was sooo very bored and sleepy. Hehe .. :-D
My roommate was nice. Very nice. Was glad having a roomie like her, I had a friend to laughed with in the middle of the night or in the early morning, when the situation were kinda depressed.
This video was taken on the social evening, our last evening of togetherness. There was a moment of sharing that night, we all sat down in circle and the lights were out, everyone spoke out their thoughts and feelings, some of them cried, and I thought, "geezzz........what's up with them ? Do they have to cry like that ?"
The next morning, the closing ceremony, when I heard Pak Ketu's speech, it suddenly hit me, that this is gonna be the last time I am with them, I might will never see them again, so many amazing moments. So yeah, I got too emotional, and I could feel my eyes were getting moist. I was like, "gosh, why on earth am I crying now ?", tried to fight not to cry, but stupid eyes wouldn't listen. I hate sad moments. :-(
Nice and interesting personals.
Great minds they have. Perhaps one day, these guys will be the ones who help to make Indonesia a better country. Haha..... who knows ? We shall see and wait. ;-)
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