Two weeks ago, I had to attend this short course about Procurement in Pusdiklat Anggaran & Perbendaharaan, Ciawi Gadog, Bogor. I hated the course, didn't feel like attending it at all, but I did anyway.

I got there on Sunday afternoon, May 24th. I got a room in the E block, it was E02 precisely. There are 3 bedrooms on each block, each bedroom has two single beds. When I got there, the 3 of my roommates were already there, was so shocked knowing that there was no TV and AC provided.
But most of all, I think the dorm was okay, and the food there wasn't that bad at all, although after a few days we got bored with the same menu. Oh and the water didn't go well with my skin, I got rashes ever since I took a shower there.
As time moved on, I tried to start talking to my roommates, while still waiting
for my (bedroom)mate. It was a smooth start in getting to know my new friends, they all were very nice, there was Yetti (whom later we called "Mommie"-just because she's the oldest and married one) from Depag and there was Rosa from KPDT and there was Novi (whom later I called "Ijaaahh"- because on one night, saw her ironing her clothes and it crossed my mind to call her that). I couldn't sleep at all that night. So when the morning came, I felt so tired and sleepy.
When the Opening ceremony, I started to get excited waiting for my roommate, who hadn't showed up yet. Kept guessing around everytime I saw a girl, I was like, could it be her or her ? We all wondered, where and what happened to this "mbak" Gilang Tantri something ( I forgot), how come she hasn't showed up yet ?
We got the answer after lunch ...... Turned out that there was no mbak Gilang, there was "mas" Gilang hahaha !!! Yeap, Gilang is a guy !!! They thought Gilang was a girl, as his name sounds like a girl's so much. So..... the room was all mine .....
My first day didn't go too well, they put me in the front seat/desk, right in front of the lecturer, great, and I felt so very sleepy. I think the lecturer knew exactly I was so sleepy and almost dozed off, which was why he kept asking me questions !! And everytime he asked, I got it all wrong. Darn darn ...
It's so good to have new friends (Joko, I changed my mind, you were right) specially my roommates - Mommie, Rosa, Ijah ....... they're fun people to be with. Every night we would be talking and discussing about the guys haha, and of course a bit of the lectures hehe ... The main topic was mostly about Rosa and her "brondong" and funny stuff that happened during the class. And there was Ika - a cute and a very active girl (specially when it came to taking pics), and Bu Nourma who came all the way from Manado, who always talked dirty ;-), and Ana who cared so much of everything and of course the head of the class, Tommy, who loved taking pics of himself ! :-p
Well, to be honest, I won't expect too much for the exam's result, I did study, but still, some times things just don't go exactly like I expected it to, I did my best in the exam, though I forgot most of the stuff. So I wont be surprised if my name isn't gonna appear in the list.
But I am glad I attended this short course, got some nice new friends, funny ones, and most of all, now I know about Procurement, a bit, compared to those who's been in the field for so long, I am still nothing. :-)
Thanks guys, for making the Procurement course not so bad and boring after all.

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