For the past two years, just the thought of Ramadan was coming, would instantly melt me, thinking of you're not here with us anymore to celebrate the Hari Raya Idul Fitri.
I wonder when will I ever get this feeling go away, but then would that means I finally managed to forget you ? I don't think I would want that either.
People might think that I (or Mama or Kandar) am too sentimental about you. But perhaps that's because they've never ever felt of losing someone whom so very close to them, or perhaps, they're just stronger that I am.
I am thinking of you, always, in every breath I take, see you in every corner and dreams, feeling you close to me as if you were just miles away from us, not really gone forever. But what I am missing so much of you is to hear you calling out my name, to hear you laughing and tell stories, to feel your warm hand caressing my head.
Prayers after prayers I wish for you, and yet I still feel I haven't prayed so much for you.
How I miss you Pa ...
May Allah always Showered you with countless blessings and forgive every mistake you did.
As for me, God has given me so much blessings already this year, and I am happy that I could share those blessings with some people whom needed it most. I am very grateful of what I got, families and friends who were always there to help us. Thank you for those who's been always remembered and helped us, and for sticking up with us after all these years without expecting something in return. May God blessed them all. Amien ..
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